Advertise on Militaria-Deal

Why advertising on

Militaria-Deal is visited every day by around 500 militaria collectors looking for interesting military items to buy or for information on our militaria blog. 

Founded in 2019, Militaria-Deal has become one of the central places for militaria enthusiasts, and many militaria dealers are among our sponsors. 

Last year, we had over 100,000 visitors and 1,200,000 page views! If you are a seller, you must advertise here ! 

Data from Google Analytics : 

militaria-deal data.png

Pricing & Advertising options :

We are offering two different types of paid advertising on Militaria-Deal, as follows:

  • Standard Rotating Banner on all pages of Militaria-Deal -
    A rotating banner display area appears at the top of every page of the Militaria-Deal web site. 
    . 12 months : €150
    We can create a graphic banner for you if you don't have any (for free). 

  • Suppliers Listing Only -
    Suppliers are listed in alphabetical order in our famour Militaria Supplier list. This is a low cost way to have presence on the Internet, which will increase your contacts in the militaria trade. You can add a link towards your website or an ebay page or an email. If you are a private collector you can just list your name, your areas of interest, and your contact information.
    . 12 months : €69

Please contact us if you want to advertise on Militaria-Deal :


Additional tax :

If you are an individual or a company outside of the European Union, there will be no additional tax on these prices.

If you are a European Union company, there will be no additional tax on these prices (just send us your VAT number).

If you are a French company/individual or a EU individual, there will be a 20% VAT added..


​​​​​​​Boost your sales by advertising on Militaria-Deal !

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